At Utility AI (UK) we believe Artificial Intelligence technology can aid ordinary gas and electricity consumers to manage their accounts so as to minimise costs. Our process is very simple:

Step 1 Gather information. We take the bills you get from your regular suppliers to analyse. We can work from pdf downloads, screenshots or photos, or the actual physical bills which we return quickly to you.

Account details

Reading details

Step 2 Utility Sue (AI). We pass the information to our friendly AI 'Utility Sue' to process. Sue instantly gives us your billing information in computer friendly form as below:

Bill in friendly format

Step 3 Create online account. That means that we can create an online account like this that you can view (and update yourself if you wish). Unlike the ones from your supplier, it won't vanish when you change to a new supplier.

Multiple electricity bill periods

Step 4 Analyse existing situation. With all of the information in one place it is easy to see what is going on and to resolve any problems. Wherever possible we work with you (for free) to challenge suppliers if they have got it wrong.

Step 5 Suggest supplier moves if appropriate. Once your information has been analysed our AI, Utility Sue, will also be able to suggest what kind of supplier contract would best suit your needs. Note that all of our services are free to you to whatever extent you choose to use them.

Where it is clear that your existing supplier is not the best option then we will advise you of that, and help you make the move to a new one if you wish. In some circumstances we may earn a commission for doing so but we are not affiliated with any particular supplier and guarantee to provide unbiased advice.